Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation

095 - Half a Life (Duck Jokes & Logan's Run)

Cameron Harrison/Marcy Phillips/Rob Campbell Season 4 Episode 95

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CW: Suicide talk, both serious and irreverent.

Carolyn Main joins the gang to celebrate "Half a Life!" We cover the spectrum from replicated dildos to suicide, twerking to cultural traditions, and sexy Picard to hospice care. Worf kills a sun, Geordie has junk vision, and O'Brien sings to Lwaxana. Cameron is a Richard Dreyfuss stan,  Marcy wonders what "all ass" means, Rob relates with the guest star, and Carolyn wants to be like Mrs. Troi. Plus a rousing game of I'm Getting Too Old for this Shit! Make it so!

Hear more from our guest, Carolyn Main at her podcast A Very Special Episode
Or check out her art
And don't forget to look up her card game, Pitch Please!