Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation
Cameron has never watched Star Trek: The Next Generation. That's about to change with the help of his faithful and hilarious companions, Bobi; the passionate fan, and Rob; who hasn't seen it since childhood. Engage!
Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation
175 - Preemptive Strike (Food Forward & Looking Fit)
Cameron Harrison/Rob Campbell/Bobi Blue/John T Bolds
Season 7
Episode 175
Hailing Frequencies Open - Send us a message!
Agent Scott joins the team to declassify "Preemptive Strike!" Picard becomes a meme, Worf is the good cop, and it's all Geordie's fault. Meanwhile Cameron's head canon is broken, Rob doesn't wear flip flops, Bobi parties with Gul Dukat, John piggy backs, and Scott keeps thinking of Dicks. Engage!
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