Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation
Cameron has never watched Star Trek: The Next Generation. That's about to change with the help of his faithful and hilarious companions, Bobi; the passionate fan, and Rob; who hasn't seen it since childhood. Engage!
Green Shirt: A Newbie's Trek Through The Next Generation
166 - Lower Decks (Upper Deckers & Work Gossip)
Cameron Harrison/Rob Campbell/Bobi Blue/John T Bolds
Season 7
Episode 166
Hailing Frequencies Open - Send us a message!
Jesse Bailey joins us to gossip about the episode which spawned a whole series, "Lower Decks!" Worf makes a bad Bajoran, Riker emulates The Breakfast Club, and Data trains a Roomba. Meanwhile, Cameron is -usually- a total coward, Rob puts make-up on a puppy, Bobi is a tornado storm of hot goss, Jesse traumatizes Picard, and John reveals his new look! Engage!
Listen to Jesse over on Open Pike Night
Pick up some Green Shirt Merch